About us

Power AV is the largest and most experienced organisation of its kind in Central Victoria. We have achieved this by ensuring work is completed to a first class standard, providing exceptional service and only using high quality materials and products.


Managing Director, Grant Villiers, started his career with Power AV in 1998.  The business was operating out of the residential shed of the then owner, John Power. John saw the passion and potential in Grant, and it wasn’t long before Grant was managing the business, they had relocated to a commercial building and there were 10 additional staff members.


In early 2010, Grant was given the opportunity to purchase Power AV. It was something he had always dreamed of. His own audio/visual business. He had worked hard, since the first day he started as an apprentice,  to achieve his goal.

Two weeks after taking over the business, Grant and his wife Alicia, welcomed their first son Lachie and two years later, Jonty. It has meant a very hectic life, but Grant and Alicia work hard to support each other.

As well as the support of his family, Grant has a Fantastic Team of Full time, Casual and Freelance Employees  that work in the business, Many of whom he considers his best mates. The business wouldn’t be the success it is without their dedication, enthusiasm and professionalism.

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